Well, I have to confess to being the amateur in this little group. I know that Pel has some training in this (or I think she does, anyway) from a general media/communications stand point. And it is apparent from how saavy you are that you surely know what you're doing!!
<lol> I wish I could brag all about what great knowledge I have about video editing and such, but to tell you the truth, even if I do have experience with making videos, I know nothing more about editing than the rest of you.

The trailer I made for Masques was my first try at *anything* where I was "behind camera." I've done four music videos/movies/documentaries so far, but since I'm the only girl on our group, I was the obvious choice when we needed a hooker to stand by the subway, a trashy talk show host with a cleavage or someone who could ride a horse. Bottom line, so far I'm the actor, not the director or editor.

I'm finally directing the short film we're making now though laugh , but that's my first try.

Anyway, like Lynn here, I'm using Windows Movie Maker 2 as well. I absolutely *love* the program - the whole concept, it's so easy! - but I'd also want to have another program with more options, more effects and transitions etc.. smile

I even thought about buying, but I can't afford it yet anyway, so in the meantime I'll stick with WMM.

Pelican smile

ps: Great idea about that "library", Lynn! smile1

Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay