I really want to help, but I'm *very* weak in this kind of thing, not to mention I haven't watched half the long-haired Lois episodes... So I'll try to give a few suggestions:

1) In Pilot, while watching TV, Lois is in bed. Not lying though.

2) Nothing comes to mind.

3) This is very annoying! There must be thousands of such scenes, and I can't think of any! Suggestion: Instead of repeating something, couldn't you just use the other say something like "huh?" or "what?" or "really?"? Maybe you'll find something like this more easily.

4) Another annoying point. No suggestions here though. (Sorry!)

5) Does it have to be L&C related? Maybe you could find a forest scene someplace else.

I tried!!
peep AnnaBtG. peep

What we've got here is failure to communicate...