I've said 'yes'. And I think I can explain why, at least in part.

Several people recently recommended John O'Donohue's book Anam Cara to me. So, when I saw a copy in a shop, I bought it. And I struggled to read it, not because the text is hard to follow, but because I struggled with the font.

I could tell that I really wanted to read the book... but the font was getting in the way of the language, at least for me. So, I ended up buying the Kindle version. I selected a sans serif font, and now I can take in the words easily, and I can feel the lyrical language. The book looks pretty, but the font -- Bodoni -- is horrible to read.

This makes me wonder, how many other books have I disliked in the past because of the font they were printed in rather than the way they were written?
