I chose Perry. I think LnC's Perry is the best Perry ever. Also, he is so very supportive of Clark and Lois's relationship and has always done everything he can to bring them closer together.

Martha Kent is my number two. She is also the best Martha ever, by far. She is delightful, but my reason for choosing Perry over her is that Perry is more like a bystander, while Martha is so strongly linked to Clark. Let me put it like this - it's not as if Lois goes home to Perry to have him comfort her with some Elvis stories and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when she is feeling down or needs to unburden herself.

As for the other characters, I'm not a big fan of Jimmy myself. In the old comics he tended to monopolize Superman, so that the Big Guy had no time for Lois after "tending to Jimmy". In the show, Jimmy was unbelievably annoying in his "Jimmy Interruptus" function. I once read a fanfic where Jimmy needed to return something to the married Lois and Clark, so when he came to their house and found it locked, he picked the lock and walked in on their married intimacy!

I tend to be irritated by Lucy, too. She combines Martha's nosiness with a selfishness that makes her barge in on Lois in almost the same way as Jimmy barges in on Lois and Clark.

But I, too, really like Inspector Henderson! He is so delightfully crusty and dependable.
