I've just returned from our SpringCon comic book convention which was held over this past weekend.

I'm quite beat but I can't ignore a poll like this.

I think my attitudes on the subject of Lois' hair are quite well known, but for those who aren't sure I'll repeat them.

As for Teri Hatcher's version (which is the one we are most interested in here) I liked her look in the pilot, and the 'bob' through out most of seasons 1 and 2, but as it got longer it seemed to lose it's body and look more lank and even thinner.

I really liked the short cut she got before Contact. I think that is her best look. I generally liked her in shorter hair, but didn't care for it when she 'slicked' it back. The wig she wore for several episodes looked messy and unkempt to me. It was like she had lost her comb.
The super short look she had in Bob and Carol and Lois and Clark, was okay, but a tad too short. I prefer a little more fullness around the face.

Now if you consider Erica Durance's version of Lois in Smallville, we really haven't had any differences to compare. She is an attractive woman, but I think her hair is too long to really look like a professional. Also she wears it in a ponytail way too much (I hate ponytails on any woman over 12). I'd like to see what Erica looks like in a shorter style, but not having had the pleasure I can't make a comparative opinion.

Tank (who thinks that more gentle writers should throw Lois haircuts into their fics... it's fun)