I hadn't heard it as a 'rumor' but as a general question on talk shows 'so do you think Obama should replace Biden?'

And Biden wouldn't be *dropped*, but rather would have some health crisis or something so that he felt he wouldn't be able to serve as well as possible or something like that.

I think that Obama should have at least vetted her and then said he'd decided to go a different route or something like that. I don't know that she would have accepted it as offered. I think the rumors from four years ago *may* hold true here as well. The rumors were that the Clintons wanted Kerry to lose so that she could run this year in an open field rather than against an incumbent Dem president [don't ask me where I heard them because I don't remember - and I did hear them this year but I don't remember where either - probably along the same lines as the ones above].

I put possible because it wouldn't surprise me to see a change in the ticket, but I don't think it would be Hillary but someone else - don't ask me who.
