I would have voted - marking myself as ineligible in the first question - but none of the reactions to the rumour fit me. It's not that I don't think Obama would ever choose Clinton as his running mate: if polling data and other evidence showed her to be the most politically-astute pick, I think he'd have chosen her. It's not that I don't think Hillary would ever say yes: I think if she'd been asked she'd have jumped at the chance. (Though asked as such a public second choice? I don't think so).

I don't think it would happen simply because I can't for one second imagine that either campaign would switch running-mates partway through. I'd have thought that any ground they might gain from having a 'better' running-mate would be more than lost through the ridicule and bad publicity that would result. For the rest of the campaign, Clinton would be dogged with the label 'second choice'. Obama would be portrayed as indecisive, inexperienced and unreliable, with evidence and media footage to back up the charge.

So, no, I don't see it happening. Where are you hearing these rumours, Pam?

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*