I'm a 15-30 minute sleeper. I'm a super light sleeper though.

Seriously, when me and my hubby first got married and were living in an apartment, I was sleeping with earplugs and I woke up to this very quiet strange sound. I lay there for a few minutes, thinking it would stop. When it didn't, I took out my earplugs and woke up my hubby. "Do you hear that sweety? What the heck is that."

He groggily wakes up and strains his ears. "Oh my gosh, you have problems." "What?" I ask defensively. "That's someone's dog barking inside in another apartment building and you can hear that with ear plugs? You need therapy."

So, I still sleep with earplugs every night but I've started taking this cherry juice stuff before bed and I sleep all the way through the night now. I used to wake up a lot from neck and back pain too but now it zonks me right out.

mmmmm... I love that stuff.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw