One thing I have found that helps me go to dreamland faster, is to start daydreaming. You hardly notice the difference that way.
That one used to work for me - I've written whole fanfic in my head some nights goofy (and, of course, somewhat irritatingly, forgotten all the good bits by morning...)
Indeed, that's how I frequently lull myself to sleep - writing fanfics in my head that never get translated to paper (or computer). Somewhere during dreamland, I forget every well-thought-out thing I was going to write and it all just comes out as fragmented jibberish. :rolleyes:

I'm amazed at how many people here take over a half an hour to fall asleep! I'm big into 'sleep hygiene' - no books, television, lights, music, etc when I’m trying to go to sleep – and if I can't fall asleep within 15-20 minutes, I get up until I feel sleepy again. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), I keep myself so busy that by the time bedtime rolls around, I’m exhausted. I tend to perk back up a little as soon as my head hits the pillow (it's quiet, so my mind starts racing through my mental to-do list), so I generally don’t fall asleep instantly, which is where the mental fic-writing comes in handy. smile