Well, I really wanted to answer 'outhouse' but I would have been lying... But when I was growing up, two of my aunts and my grandfather had outhouses. My grandfather even had a fancy one - 2 sections and one was a 2 seater - the other section had one. rotflol

So the people that we bought the house from built it - but they didn't know much about building things. For instance: the attic has a lovely finished floor - all except for the section at the top of the stairs. You have to crawl on the beams to get to the finished section. Go figure.

So about the bathroom... Walk in the front door, go through the living room, walk across the hall (not down it) and you end up in the bathroom. Now who in the world (except the folks that built our house) would think it a good idea to be able to see the bathroom door from the front door? It can be very interesting if you are in the bathroom when someone comes to the door...

We also have a second 'half' bath in the corner of the family room.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~