Wheels are turning in my head, but they kinda went bump on a rock here... So, I need opinions.

If we have people send in their suggestions (even if there are 3) assign each list randomly and let participants pick from their assigned list, there's a possibility that more than one person will find the same song on their list and pick the same to do, too.

Would that matter to you?

The other possibility I see is that every participant sends in a couple song titles, we make a list of all the songs, maybe add in some from the requests folder or the "impossible to vid" one, and then participants pick the song they want to do -- obviously, picking your own suggestion is not an option. Once you select a song, it's taken off the list and you're the only one doing it.

I agree that it's a good idea to pick songs from the already requested songs list (*points at the folder up there*) but a lot of those come with very specific ideas and I think it would be best that everyone starts at the bottom of the stairs, if you see what I mean -- just a song, nothing else, you have to figure it out.

Or we could literally do the same we've been doing with ficathons: 3 things I want, 3 things I don't want; 3 things I'll do, 3 things I won't do. Lists are assigned based on entry forms and then you get to pick whatever song you wanna do that fits the request you were given.


Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies