I chose Linda, Lana and MASON.

Linda and Lana are obvious choices. They are just generally annoying. I choose Mason because I found her supremely annoying in the series.

Clark never really gave any indication that he was interested in her as far as a relationship. He was nice but it was obvious that Clark was "Just A Nice Guy". Mason did all the persuing and I find women who are too stupid to realize a guy isn't really interested in them and who throw themselves at a guy super annoying.

I use to work with a woman who thought that any time she had a date with a guy that suddenly they were in a hot and heavy relationship. Since most guys aren't as nice as Clark they always were taking advantage of her. Hell she "lent" money (one guy $500) because he was "her boyfriend". :rolleyes: Too bad he didn't know that. So, of course, none of them ever paid her back the money they got out of her. Basically they got sex out of her right away each time and then anything else they could get and then "dumped her".

Mason came across so desperate with Clark that I could she her having sex instead of the first date thinking it would get him. I say that because in the show she invites him away for a weekend at her cabin when they hadn't even been on a date. It has been my general experience that when someone invites you away for a weekend that said weekend will INCLUDE SEX unless otherwise stated. So in my book she is saying spend a weekend having sex with me even though you've never asked me out. How desperate can one person be. So lets have Clark ask her to meet him at the reclamation facility to show her something involving a case, but of course he won't show up because he is called away to China or some such place for a major disaster as Superman and doesn't remember her until its too late to get a message to her. Then maybe the dope with get a clue.

I guess it is obvious that I always hate the Mason character.