Well, obviously his looks don't do much for me. wink

His naivety is something of a problem for me, since he should know better. It often seems like the writers make him be stupid for their own convenience.

But it's more than that. Clark's naivety was charming, fitting. And his occasional bouts of stupidity were generally forgivable. He's got enough character to make up for it. And, given all his power, it's understandable that the writers would sometimes have to fudge things.

Mohinder... Well, the voiceovers rub me the wrong way. I used to celebrate when we didn't get one... only to be slapped with it at the end of the ep instead of the beginning.

I also haven't really found much in the character to redeem him for his naivety. It almost seems like his primary characteristic.

What gets me the most, though, is how the writers use him. He's often nothing more than an expository mouthpiece. And the explanations they put in his mouth make no sense. His "explanation" of Peter's powers really ticked me off. Something to the effect of:

"His DNA is unstable. Constantly unraveling and rewriting itself based on the people around him..."

I won't get into the science, but that is just plain wrong. In every possible way.

I don't mind a bit of technobabble. You need some kind of explanation for stuff, and it's not easy when you're trying to explain things that don't exist in our world. But when you try to use real terms, you have to be careful. You have to leave things vague. When you start just throwing buzzwords (like "DNA") around, blatantly misusing them...

Mohinder, as a geneticist, should know better. But he doesn't because he's just a mouthpiece for the writers. And that is what really annoys me.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.