Well, also I have total control over the situation I create for our favourite characters, they develop a mind of their own. There was a scene where I wanted Lois to fly off the handle when she hears something from Clark because that's quite funny to write - and to read, I hope. Especially if Clark tries in vain to calm her down. But it didn't work out. In the end, Clark was terribly anxious, and Lois was the one to calm him down. huh

Or in my WIP (Time for Two), in the last part, I really wanted Lois and Clark to end up in bed doing the stuff nfic is made of. First, I had that problem with Clark who insisted that he'd never take advantage of Lois like that, especially when this Lois was also drunk, and when I had finally worn him down, Lois decided that she'd not play along, but fall asleep instead. Much to the disappointment of my readers. Well, perhaps she'll be less tired another time. Hopefully. laugh

The most important problem of mine is that I can't make my characters act quickly and purposefully. Something always comes up that makes their story longer and longer.

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)