So many answers, so few opportunities to choose. Though it does bring to mind one of the fun things on a talker I'm on. The Magic8Ball.

You ask the Magic8Ball 'why?'
-> The Magic8Ball replies .oO( Why not? )Oo.
You ask the Magic8Ball 'why not?'
-> The Magic8Ball replies .oO( Because! )Oo.
You ask the Magic8Ball 'because why?'
-> The Magic8Ball replies .oO( I won't talk to you unless you've 'jumped' with me. )Oo.

Luckily the 8ball does not hate me today, or it could have gotten ugly. goofy

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited