I haven't voted, simply because I can't decide. Now, if you had asked which episode I liked least, that would have been easy. I can't stand Mxyl... Whatever. I hated the character in the comics, when I used to read them. And my hatred carried over into the TV series. (There are limits to the extent to which my disbelief will extend, and Mxyl... Thingy goes well past them, out of the solar system, and into the next galaxy. wink )

Now, that's just my personal opinion, and I have a hard time explaining it. Also, I know that the episode and character both have fans. Please take my opinion with the huge pinch of salt it so rightly deserves. Rational or no, though, TTNBM is definitely my least favourite of the three episodes.

I'm torn between the other two episodes, though. I love the angst in Home Is Where The Hurt Is, and I would have liked to have seen that expanded on. (Clark recovered from the kryptonite mighty quickly, don't you think?)

Baby Gunderson... Mercifully I had blocked her out of my mind -- until I read some of the posts here and remembered her. Yes, that was silly. So were Abs In A Bottle. (That was that episode, wasn't it?)

Oh, how lovely the ending is of Seasons Greedings! But... there are silly moments in that episode, too. Yes, the episode has a good message, but... Lois acting as a little kid and pouting, and Clark scoffing all the sweeties... Neither did much for me.

So, for me, SG and HIWTHI tie for favourite.

Carol said:
But one of the things I felt let down about (for no good reason) was that Lois and her dad didn't sing a Xmas carol at the end - the episode was partly about her reconnecting with her father, and I thought their singing together would have said so much. Not to mention that Teri Hatcher has a very good voice, and Harve Presnell a remarkable one.
Now, I read this and I thought... what? Yes, Carol is right, the whole reconnecting thing was a very important part of that episode. But, Lois and her dad singing a carol together at the end of the episode...?

Maybe this is a cultural thing, but the very idea of it makes me think of the lump of Cheddar that is hardening at the back of my fridge: cheesy, in the worst possible way! wink

Certainly, I never burst into spontaneous song with my dad at Christmas. (Since I can barely sing and he couldn't sing at all, that is surely a blessing for the whole world.)

Do people burst into impromptu song in North America? For the most restrained English person, I think that's only likely to happen after a lot of alcohol. And I would certainly have never drunk the amount of alcohol required in the presence of my parents!

Just curious.
