Hard to choose between SG and HIWTHI, but decided on SG because of the poignancy of the ending - it was one of the first signs that it was Clark that Lois loved. (well aside from her "Lois Lane Kent" confession in HoL which the writers evilly insisted on ignoring for the first half of S2.) That final scene at the window!

I agree with Lisa, though that the A plot of HISWTHI is better (although much silliness in both eps)

Close contest:) The brief telepathic moment between L & C in HIWTHI was wonderful (not to say Wow!)

But one of the things I felt let down about (for no good reason) was that Lois and her dad didn't sing a Xmas carol at the end - the episode was partly about her reconnecting with her father, and I thought their singing together would have said so much. Not to mention that Teri Hatcher has a very good voice, and Harve Presnell a remarkable one.
