When I was growing up, shortened versions or diminutives of names in our family were common. Thus, Debra, James, and Perry were Debbie, Jimmy, and Perry when they were little and are now Deb, Jim, and Per. In addition to those kinds of names, I called my kids by "love" names for years: dumplin', pun'kin, sweeting, dearling. Those kinds of nicknames were never intended to be teasing or taunting, but were ways of making the public name more familiar and intimate.

On the other hand, my kids used more teasing nicknames for each other, particularly for their younger brother, who was in a wheelchair. He got called "short stuff" for years.

Nonetheless, I think most nicknames I've been around have been motivated by the desire for a more familiar or private form of the formal name, so I chose "other."

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story
