This is quite the serious question, but the topic has come under great debate these past few months here details which I won't entirely go through, but if you're Aussie you'll know what I'm talking about. I was curious as to what you guys thought about the death penalty whether it right or wrong. If so I want to know why, but I would also like to know if you think that if an appeal was launched should the courts overturn the decision and instead give a life-sentence or whatever they think is appropriate.

Having talked it over with a a few of my friends one of whom is a law student and they all say that it is wrong. However, the last person who was sentenced to death here was over 30 years ago (I think I can't exactly rememeber) and so Australia has no death penalty, but I know other countries do and so I'm interested in what you think.

I personally think that the death penalty doesn't solve anything because people still commit the same crimes even with it installed and people knowing the potential punishment certain crimes can be given. However, even though I advocate this I also know that if a final decision has been made it is often hard to get the courts to overturn the ruling, but even saying that I feel that the death penalty doesn't solve anything.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller