TLC, at least around here, is The Learning Channel . It's a spin-off of The Discovery Channel which started off as a channel devoted to educational TV, but rapidly devolved twoards the lowest common denomenator (while trying to maintain at least some relevance to education). For example, it's not uncommon for them to dedicate an hour to "the science of sex." They also now host a variety of home makeover shows such as "Trading Spaces," "While You Were Out," and a bunch of knock-offs. Also "What Not To Wear."

Can't say as I've heard of most of these people, either, but vague memories of a few of them lead me to believe that they're hosts of the various shows on TLC. Tava Smiley, for example, is one of those hosts of... *checks IMDB* Clean Sweep. And picking a random name off the men's side, Andrew Dan-Jumbo is the carpenter from "While You Were Out."

Sorry I can't vote. I just don't watch TLC that often.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.