I've never had a party. For a few years while in high school a couple of friends would come over on Christmas Day and have dinner with my family, but that is about it. It's migrated from my grandaparents house to ours. My other grandma that I aquired in Junior High used to have big bashes until a few years ago when they started to get a bit sad to have (past few years she has lost two of her children). I've only been to it about five times in the fifteen years or so that I've known her.

I'm too shy to have my own party, but I'm hoping one day I can try. When I have my own house I want to start some of my own holiday traditions to mark the holiday as being more exciting and eventful like it was when I was a child. My husband's third Christmas out of his house and I think it is loosing the fun for him. I need to help get it back for him so I hope maybe a gathering/party, more baking, prep and decoration and hopefully some traditions we can create can make it better. We are hoping to have our own house next holiday season and we can kick it into gear!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.