So, as I mentioned, I have a new and strange story in the works. Writing is going slowly, due in part to the vagueness of the plot and in part to the fact that I've gone short on sleep pretty much every night for at least a week. I'm hoping to catch up on sleep later this week, and maybe that'll help.

Now, I write linearly, for the most part. A lot of things with me tend to stay vague until the story is almost up to that point, so I can't really write ahead. Right now, I've got most of part 1 written. According to my outline (which has such detailed entries as "need b-plot," "investigation starts," and "L&C learn a little bit more <small tidbit>"), the story should have a total of 8 parts.

I'm also not sure what people will think of it. It may be confusing. It may not be as entertaining as I hope. People just may not really like it.

I could also use a BR/brainstormer to look over things and maybe help me flesh things out.

In this situation, a normal person would probably post to the boards or ask around and look for a BR. That would help with the writing, take care of the need for a BR, and get at least one outside reaction.

No one has ever accused me of being a normal person.

My thought is this: I could finish part 1 and post it. I'd get reactions, see what people think, see if it's worth continuing. If things look good, I can look for a BR. That way, I'd get someone who is interested in the story and who knows what she's getting into.

The downside is that I would have no idea when part 2 would go up. There might be a long gap. It might never go up. The optimist in me wants to say it'd go up soon, but I have to admit the other possibilities.

So, since the question involves you, the readers, I figured I could get some help figuring it out by asking you.

What do you think I should do?


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.