Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: HatMan What should I do with my current WIP? - 09/19/04 09:34 PM
So, as I mentioned, I have a new and strange story in the works. Writing is going slowly, due in part to the vagueness of the plot and in part to the fact that I've gone short on sleep pretty much every night for at least a week. I'm hoping to catch up on sleep later this week, and maybe that'll help.

Now, I write linearly, for the most part. A lot of things with me tend to stay vague until the story is almost up to that point, so I can't really write ahead. Right now, I've got most of part 1 written. According to my outline (which has such detailed entries as "need b-plot," "investigation starts," and "L&C learn a little bit more <small tidbit>"), the story should have a total of 8 parts.

I'm also not sure what people will think of it. It may be confusing. It may not be as entertaining as I hope. People just may not really like it.

I could also use a BR/brainstormer to look over things and maybe help me flesh things out.

In this situation, a normal person would probably post to the boards or ask around and look for a BR. That would help with the writing, take care of the need for a BR, and get at least one outside reaction.

No one has ever accused me of being a normal person.

My thought is this: I could finish part 1 and post it. I'd get reactions, see what people think, see if it's worth continuing. If things look good, I can look for a BR. That way, I'd get someone who is interested in the story and who knows what she's getting into.

The downside is that I would have no idea when part 2 would go up. There might be a long gap. It might never go up. The optimist in me wants to say it'd go up soon, but I have to admit the other possibilities.

So, since the question involves you, the readers, I figured I could get some help figuring it out by asking you.

What do you think I should do?

Posted By: daneel Re: What should I do with my current WIP? - 09/20/04 01:33 AM
Paul!!! eek

Withholding fic?!!! smile1
Posted By: HatMan Re: What should I do with my current WIP? - 09/20/04 04:49 PM
Oops. Silly me forgot to make sure I could view the results without voting. blush

Just voted other, and, like a good, responsible member of the boards, I'm posting to explain why. wink

Thanks for the responses so far, FoLCs. I'm going to leave this open for another couple days, I think, and see if things make more sense when I've had some sleep. Meantime, you're welcome to keep voting.

Jose, I didn't say I was withholding it, now did I? I'm just looking for the best way to go about posting. Assuming I ever get this thing written...

Posted By: CC Aiken Re: What should I do with my current WIP? - 09/20/04 07:58 PM
The downside is that I would have no idea when part 2 would go up. There might be a long gap. It might never go up. The optimist in me wants to say it'd go up soon, but I have to admit the other possibilities.
This is just me, Paul, and by all means take this with a grain of salt.

Nothing makes me run faster from a fic than a 'here's prt 1, not sure where I'm going with this, not sure when I'll post again' introduction. And that is unfair, I know, because many authors use the input and encouragment of their readers to push them through writing their fic.

I couldn't do it. It would spin me in circles, I would never remember what I *wanted* to tell, and I would be dizzy with stress.

So, again, just me, and feel free to ignore me. I'd say sit on it a bit. Nurture it along. Get it a nice BR to take a peek, someone you can bounce some ideas off and atleast get a firmer grasp on it. You are such a clever, wonderful writer. From personal experience, I know that you need no GE, your style is so clean. And that you'll go the extra mile when it comes to Pinkie Tuscadero and whether or not she's a species of fish. (Sadly not..but I digress like all get out.)

Btw, are you still ignoring me? Or just sorry you asked??

By no means am I saying you must have it all finished before posting. Though, I do miss the days of EOD! I miss them!...Where was I? Just that you have a bit of a buffer before you put something out there that gets us all breathless, and we turn blue, fall from out seats, waiting for you and Timmy to wrestle over parts two and three and etc...

I, actually, needed a BR for this comment, alone, I think.

Remember that grain of salt thing.

Posted By: Sorcha Re: What should I do with my current WIP? - 09/21/04 12:27 PM
Ahem... Paul... I must confess, I didn't get very far past the "I need a beta" part, but... my stream of stories waiting to be BR'd has slowed lately, because Pel won't get her feathery TUSHIE in gear and finish When the Devil Holds the Light, and because Sas is now in London... so if you still need someone to help, I'd be very very glad to smile I absolutely love your stories - they always have me rotflol and hail ing...

Sara-the-hopeful smile
Posted By: LabRat Re: What should I do with my current WIP? - 09/21/04 02:33 PM
I could also use a BR/brainstormer to look over things and maybe help me flesh things out.
Well, Paul, you know that the gang on irc has brainstorm flowing in their blood. You want to try something out you know where to go. wink You can give the gang an outline, paste a little bit you're unsure about, give us a summary...and you'll get all the opinion you ever wanted. Probably more. <g>

Nagging facilities also come as standard. Wine and cheese, however, are optional extras.

LabRat [Linked Image]
Uh... I voted for.. option 1...

Sit on that chair now, start writing, post it, find urself a BR and then catch up with some well deserved sleep. thumbsup

MDL. (Who doesn´t know if that´s good advice but that would be what she would do.)
Posted By: HatMan Re: What should I do with my current WIP? - 09/21/04 05:54 PM
Thanks, FoLCs. Looks like you're heavily going for the "don't post yet" option, so I'll go with that.

CC, I would never make the mistake of ignoring you. Think of all the fun I'd be missing! Besides, I did all my ignoring for today already with that pompous arrogant windbag of a doctor I saw this afternoon.

(Sorry. I'm still calming down. It didn't help that Mom was encouraging him because, even though he was completely unqualified to be making the sweeping assertions he was making, those assertions just happened to line up with things she's been pushing for. Which, in turn, meant that for the long trip home, I not only couldn't vent, but had to continue to practice restraint. It's been a long day.)


I understand what you're saying, CC, and you're not the only FoLC who thinks that way. Probably why the vast majority of people who've voted so far have voted for me to hold off and keep writing.

BTW, whyever would I want to ignore you when you were saying such nice things about me? laugh

Also BTW, what's EOD? Sleepy brain isn't managing to expand that particular acronym right now. Somehow, I don't think you'd be missing days of dealing with Elephants On Drugs.

Oh, and as my IRC quit line used to say, I do like to take life with a grain of salt. Actually, I have a whole shaker full. It has the initials "JB" on them, but, hey -- finders keepers, right? wink

Sara, thank you for your very generous offer. It's much appreciated. The files will be out to you shortly. smile

Lab, I'm not much for wine, and, really, you can have the cheese. Still, I am fond of IRC. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks. smile Just too bad my hours have shifted. I haven't found many people in the channel when I've managed to log on these days. Also not sure how much I'll be able to explain in-channel (it's much more of a file and long email sort of thing, I think), but I'll definitely keep it in mind. smile

MDL, thanks for your input. I'll see what I can do. smile

Thanks again to everyone who voted, posted, or otherwise helped. smile

I haven't found many people in the channel when I've managed to log on these days.
Thats because people dont give the channel!!! mecry

Please someone!!! Arggg
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: What should I do with my current WIP? - 09/22/04 12:45 AM
Just a little FYI, Paul. (Cause I just figured it out myself laugh )

EOD = Every other day...in reference to posting. thumbsup

Sara (who knows she would have to have a story entirely finished before EOD posting wink )
Posted By: LabRat Re: What should I do with my current WIP? - 09/22/04 04:28 AM
Thats because people dont give the channel!!!

Please someone!!! Arggg
confused MDL, if you go here you'll find the rules and regs for #loisclark, plus the signup form. Then all you need do is wait to be sent the password.

If you need help setting up mirc or getting into the channel, mail me. smile

EDIT: I see now that you'd already posted a request for irc help in the How To folder. Not many people visit that particular folder on a regular basis, so this kind of request is easily missed in there. Anyone wanting help with this kind of thing is probably better posting their query in Off Topic. smile

LabRat smile
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