I almost always have several WIPs going at any one time, even if some never see the light of day. I have three right now that I consider "top priority", meaning they are partially completed and/or plotted and I would really hate to not ever finish them. I even got my muse to pick one to concentrate on last month and started writing ... only to stall again. But I'm still holding out hope that this break will only be short-term and not a continuation of the long one I've been on since January. smile

(For anyone who is interested, the three are "When More Becomes Everything", "Momentum 3" (an nfic), and stand-alone BatP/HoL adapt with a working title of "Can't Go Back". Despite my best efforts, the muse has decided to not help me to finish either of my trilogies in the immediate future but rather wants to concentrate on the stand-alone, But at least I've started writing again, so I guess I can't complain too much. smile )

Neat poll idea, Paul.
