alright no ones nags my stuff but since I´m around... I have to confess: Though I have much more fun with my evil MTLVs, I have a bible lengthed one coming up. (not less evil though)

I´m recently working on that and my Muse decided to cooperate so everything´s going fine.

The only problem i´ve been facing is that i have to go much more often to my shrink´s office in a useless attempt of waiting patiently for other fic parts people are currently posting (this goes for sarah and sqd/Jen goofy )and the story has sth like 5% to go. So basically it will take a whole month for writing/BRing posting process to achieve this point. (hopefully blush )

MDL. (Who is all hyper here trying to finish this.... OH !!! Why people have to work or study? That´s so useless mad )

"Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you."