I just wanted to say thank you all so very much for sticking with the story to the end and posting such wonderful feedback. I've taken a lot of your suggestions in mind, and as I work on tweaking the story before I submit it, I'm considering what all you've mentioned smile

On a specific note for this part:

The only thing you might consider changing is the OxyContin.
Noted! I knew oxycodone was used, and knew OxyContin contained oxycodone, so I figured hey that worked, but didn't take into consideration that some stuff might be more potent than others. I followed up with some more specific research and discovered you're absolutely right. I guess I futzed that a bit smile

I had a blast writing this, especially figuring out how to make an original character interesting, especially in this fandom where Lois and Clark is such a key fixture in each and every story.

I really loved finding ways to include both L&C (thanks again, Yvonne, for the phone idea!). A big thank you once again to all my alpha and beta readers smile And thanks to everyone for giving something slightly different a chance smile

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.