Hmm, never had cuttlefish, but I have had rabbit a few times and if it is cooked right it is better then chicken<g> I also eat calamari but stuffed in a sauce over pasta is my favorite way to have it. Although I have had it fried in rings and tempura style in an oriental resturaunt. I have also eaten Sushi and Shami but I really prefer the cooked shushi, as in california rolls. I do like the eel, shrimp and crab rolls as well, all cooked. I have tried raw and just can't get past the consistency. I have also tried snails as in escargo, scungilli which is conch (like a big snail) and honestly I can say I don't like it. Also octopus is way too chewy for me.

I have not tried eating bugs as in chocolate covered ants or fried grashoppers, nor do I plan on it anytime soon. Tripe is probably the oddest thing I eat and like. It is kind of a chewy organ meat. The lining of a lamb stomach I think? Anyway it is always smothered in sauce and cheese so what is not to like. Very Italian of course<g>.

Broccolirabe is a vegetable and is very bitter. I love it anyway any how. Sometimes it is served fried with garlic and oil as a vegetable side dish and it is also served over pasta with sausage. Also they make it as a frittata with eggs. Not many people, outside of Italians, like it. Although, Japanese people eat it also in a little crispier version.

I love food and like to try different things, I have had African food including Etheopian food, Ti food, Indian food, Italian, German, Irish, English, Spanish, Vietnamise, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Polish, Jewish, Russian, French and Ukranian food. I am sure there are more but I can't think of any right now. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"