Like Pam said, it was interesting to see that most people felt the same way about specific villains.

Overall, I liked best the villians that were "real" people rather than villians that were ghosts/elves/deformed/embued with weird powers. That is, villians who might have existed in the Lois and Clark world of mostly real-like life instead of cartoon-like life. Some, like Spencer Spencer, kind of stradled the line a bit, but since he was responsible for getting Clark/Dean into that blank tank top, he gets extra points <g>.

My favorite by far was Tempus because he was just so cool, followed by Lex because he was just so bad.

Most annoying was probably Fat Head and Myrtle Beach. Please! How stupid did they think we were?


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah