I absolutely loved the character of Lois, for all the reasons listed above. In fact, if the character of Lois Lane had not been written (and acted) so well, I would not be the L&C fan that I am.

However, as far as which character was more "intriguing", I'd have to say Clark. Lois was a lot of fun, but I never really found my self pondering the question of what it was like to be Lois. (I didn't ever sit around asking myself, I wonder what it would have been like to have a mother like that? or whatever) But I did do that with Clark, all the time. (I wonder what it was like to grow up so different, always alone, afraid let anyone get to close, constantly fearful of being "dissected like a frog"?)

I've never actually seen the show Smallville, but I have to admit the basic concept is very intriguing - What would it be like to grow up, being Clark Kent? I also found Clark's love for Lois to be fascinating, much more so than her love for him. Just the idea of having these "powers", and how he learned to adapt to them, and what it must be like having them, etc. Or the whole triangle between Superman, Clark & Lois, and Clark's struggle to come to grips with that.

If you had asked which character I like more, or found more fun to watch, I might have called it a tie, or maybe even said Lois. Since you ask which character I find more intriguing, I'm going with Clark.

= Vicki

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster