Okay, just so you know how my mind works... I'm another one in the 'Pam' camp, for the reasons she gives. My personal preference would be for a small civil service, but then, since the only time I seem to go to church these days is for other people's weddings, I guess that's not surprising. The quesion is, is that appropriate for LnC?

I also like the idea of Smallville weddings, but this story certainly won't have one. (It's, as I mentioned, AU, and Smallville won't fit into the continuity very well.) That, plus the fact that any of the other categories could be in Smallville, is why I didn't give it a category of its own. (Besides, leaving it out, gives scope for people to comment, right?)

And, no, they are fairly unlikely to get married in any really weird places in this fic... no mountains, tops of clouds, middle of nowhere with orange skies and officiated by some weird guy called Mike...

So that gives you some hint of what is likely to happen in the fic (if it ever gets written), but I'd still like to know more about people's idea wedding for LnC... so please keep voting! smile
