Though I have a hard time believing that so many women think men are shallow enough to watch the show Just for Teri.
Not "just." You're able to select as many options as you want. The poll didn't allow us to register a weighting for each choice or reasons why. Even though I selected Teri as one of my options, that selection was not the major reason, nor was her appearance the main reason I made that selection (not that she isn't very attractive). Her chemistry with Dean was amazing. It's hard to believe another actress could mesh with Dean as well as she did. I also think she is a better actor than Dean. <ducking thrown tomatoes>

The main reason for me was the romance aspect, just as it was with you. But without the ability to weight our choices, the poll gives the appearance that all choices are measured equally.

Of course, I'm a guy, so I can't speak for the women who answered. But I can explain why I made the choices as a man.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin