I'll admit it: Sometimes I could just care less about the man in red. I'm brainwashed by the fact that I think Superman really is just a caricature. Um...I'm not sure why I watch it really. I guess I just watch it for certain parts. I like the all the sports metaphor discussions in Lucky Leon. I hated the Argh in general, but I liked watching the clone be so...un-Lois. and etc etc.


Edit: Yeah, I like fic better than the show too. I mean, if we all sat down with the show in our hands, it would look something like:

Clark (sits down with coffee): Good morning, Lois.

or something. I could not read a 500Kb story like that. It takes talent to bring an ordinary script to life and then to even venture off into unknown territory and things that the script alone can't explain.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy