IMO, there's no question -- we *know* from "Honeymoon in Metropolis" that Lois has beaten Clark at all these games. And we know from "Lethal Weapon" that she can beat him in strip poker, as well. <g> (Come to think of it, we know that Perry and Jimmy can beat him at poker, too, from "Requiem for a Superhero"!)

As L&C discussed in HiM, though, I don't think it's a matter of one being smarter than the other, but just that Lois is super-competitive ("I play to win") where Clark is not ("I play to *play*"). If Clark really wanted to win at something, I have no doubt that he could do it -- not every time, but certainly often enough. But I definitely don't see him as *needing* to win.

But clearly it depends on the game -- if by "pantomime", you mean Charades, I don't see how his travels, trivia knowledge or super-powers would help him at all. Same with cards, unless he was willing to cheat (which we know he's not). Or board games.

Trivial Pursuit, as has already been said, would be a pretty close match ... Clark knows a lot of things, but so does Lois, and I think their knowledge would complement each other. They'd actually probably be most unbeatable as a team, playing against other people. smile
