I love both cats and dogs. We used to have both an outdoor dog (back yard) and an outdoor cat (anywhere she wanted, but mainly front yard). At that time I liked dogs better. Our cat, Muffin, was getting old and wasn't "playful". She was older than I was and we had to have her put to sleep when I was about 13 or so. We got our golden retriever, Sunny, when I was 6 1/2. She was very playful. She passed away Christmas morning a few years ago, though.

The next year my sister got a cat, Tobey, for Christmas and she's adopted all of us as hers. It's kind of funny because when my mom and my sister and I get home, Tobey will go to my mom or to me, not to my sister.

Tobey's sister (from a different litter) lives with some neighbors, and she is one of the ugliest cats we've ever seen, while Tobey is really cute. goofy

She loves sleeping in the exact middle of the bed and laying on your hand or arm. My computer is positioned so I can sit on my bed and use it and I have a stand next to my bed that my cordless mouse is on. For some reason, Tobey thinks that it is just her size. I am constantly having to pick her up off of my hand and mouse (where she decided to lay) and depositing her next to me on my bed. She tries to lay on my hand when I am typing too...but she's so cute that I just can't get mad at her. :rolleyes:

ok...one more story. She used to take naps on our old family computer monitor (different from my computer). We got a new computer and monitor two weeks ago...flat screen...now she sits beside the computer and meows in complaint with pitiful eyes. :p

-Breanna (who now loves indoor cats)

Trask: Does Superman have any telepathic powers?
Lois: (blushing) I hope not.