interesting about the way the canadian gov't deals with diabetics... probably a good policy, overall. just sorry you got the short end of it.

here in the US, i just had to mark down on the form that i was diabetic (the question in NJ was something like "do you suffer from any disease/disorder which could cause you to have seizures and/or pass out at the wheel?" and i had to check the "yes" box and then explain on the back that i was diabetic). i've never had a problem with it, and i'm always careful to be sure i'm up to driving before i go.

the only real restriction that i know of is that diabetics aren't allowed to drive commercial vehicles across state lines (in other words, i'll never be a truck driver).

what my dad points out should be checked (and i fully agree) is the eyesight and reaction times of senior drivers. a periodic check of the rest of us would be good, too. but no, all we get is a little note on the original application that there's a small chance that some year or other we'll be randomly called in for a re-test. don't know anyone that's happened to, tho.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.