Um I had to put 'lost count' as my vote - not because I was particularily rough on my keyboards, but because I use so many computers these days - at least three of the school's computers to access the internet, my laptop upstairs in my room for my archived fic, my friend's computer he's lending me - not yet hooked up, but we're trying to get it done soon, and I use it these days mainly for game playing - that is up in my room. Then back home in Canada, I've used both my mom's and dad's laptops on occasion to check my email. And then there was the computer I rented until I got my laptop. And then all the internet cafes I hung out at until I got the rental computer... Not to mention when the school's internet connection here is down, I have to find a pc-bahng (internet cafe) to keep my mailbox from overflowing...

So you see, it's impossible for me to keep track of all the keyboards I've had...

Melisma (slinking back under her Rock, really wishing she could get back on IRC - your discussions are sounding like something not to miss blush )

dance dance

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda