Well, I voted for a hodgepodge. The only things I really wanted to say were:

1) I said that I don't visit Original Fic. I don't, yet. I really do want to, and this was a topic I really wanted to make sure we added when we created the new boards. I know we have some immensely talented writers and I can't wait to begin reading some of these stories. (I've only read one or two so far.) But I've been swamped with RL stuff like finals and with fanfic writing, so I haven't had much time for reading. But I just have a feeling that if I took this poll again in three months, my vote on this one would change.

2) Those of you who know me might find it interesting that I voted for Off Topic. I was really ambivilent about adding this forum to the new mbs. I wasn't opposed to it, just didn't care and said I probably wouldn't ever visit there. Off Topic posts in general tend to make me nervous because they are just that, off topic, and you never know what they will be about. Many off topic forums I've seen in my travels around the net tend to be preachy political posts that irritate or offend me or something like that. But I wandered into our OT folder a couple of times, and I've fallen in love. (Okay, maybe that's going a bit far, but I do enjoy reading the posts.)


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen