This may not be very helpful, but it's how I mostly use the iPad:

I'm not using the iPad as my main writing PC - mostly I'd only use it for writing if I'm travelling or away from home all day and don't want to carry my laptop PC. Generally I create the story as a Doc file on my windows PC (or on an iBook running Word for Mac) and save it to Dropbox; I can then edit it using Docs to Go. The final editing etc. is also done via one of my other PCs. Since I'm a very slow writer, it's unlikely that I would reach a point where I want to post something from the iPad while I'm travelling, but it's easy enough to copy and paste from e.g. a word processor file to a web page - you just can't have the document and a web page open simultaneously on the iPad, which is a nuisance but it's easy enough to switch back and forth between the apps.

iCloud and Docs To Go are basically a way of sharing files between two or more computers. You create a document on e.g. a PC, save it to iCloud or to Dropbox (which looks like a directory on the PC), and it is automatically uploaded to a file server somewhere, then any of the other computers on that account can open it. My PC, the iBook and the iPad can open any of the files that were saved to Dropbox. I haven't personally used iCloud yet, but I think it works much the same way.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game