I am new to the boards and I am in the process of trying to get everything figured out....very excited to be 'on' here instead of lurking wave

Okay--so we just recently purchased an iPad 4, I have an iPhone 4S, and we have a standard Dell home computer...I have a hope to someday try and write fanfic, and would love to know the technical 'how to' before I even think about figuring out the actual writing 'how to'....

I am wanting to do the majority of any type of writing on our iPad. We purchased a Logitech bluetooth keyboard--which has taken a little bit of practice to get used to typing on, but so far, sort of so good.... I am wanting to be able to have access to whatever I write on the iPad, and possibly the phone and home computer. I read the previous discussion about using either the DocsToGo or Pages apps for writing.

I am kind of out of it 'technology-wise' and have a some questions to the process, if anyone can help....

--Would DocsToGo or Pages be a better fit for fanfic writing? (for writing it mostly on the iPad, then posting here on the boards, then ultimately on the Archive)

--I thought I read that for the Archive things need to be in Microsoft Word or text-only format...are these apps appropriate to start this whole writing process?

--How do I get my story from my app, to the boards to post, and then to the archive?

--Once I figure out the app and get a story going on our iPad, how do I go about viewing it on my iPhone and home computer?

I have heard of iCloud--but do not know much about it (or understand it, for that matter confused )....I apologize ahead of time if any of these questions are really common sense--I understand our home computer well enough, but the iPad/app thing is pretty new to me....

Thanks--looking forward to being on the boards,

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~