II get the slowness problem sometimes too, Virginia! However, unlike what most of you have said, mine extends to several websites and doesn't matter what browser I use. blush (I live in the remote confines of nowhere and our internet provider can be superslow even though we pay for higher speed...)

But to jump in on the IE/Firefox debate... I used to hate Firefox, don't know why really, but was always a staunch IE user. But the new IE9 sucks so hard that it's even converted me (although frankly I have four different web browsers on my desktop and use each one for different things, usually. Makes it look like I'm staying focused on homework in one window when really there's fifty others on fanfiction, fb or youtube. :p )

Fun thing for you! Speedtest.net will tell you exactly how well your internet is actually working versus what you should be getting. Sometimes it's an issue of internet connectivity, a lot of times though it's simply an issue of RAM-- clear some disk space every so often. wink

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain