Hey SQD,

I totally sympathize. I've been having some similar major issues with my computer lately (it's crashed three times in the last month... though I suppose spilling water on it once was my fault-- but the rest were because of viruses!!) My computer wasn't allowing me to even launch in SafeMode, and for the longest time was stuck in this never-ending loop of Startup searching for problems, finding some, not fixing it, and starting over again. Eventually I was able to get it out of that, but it took a while. Resetting it to an earlier point in time didn't work either, and ultimately I had to completely restore my computer to factory settings (which also allowed me to back up my most recent of files to access later on, though I had most of them backed onto external HD anyway). That seemed to clear out the problem, and virus scan showed nothing else. But even now my computer's still got a few glitches (though I assume that's from the water damage)...

Please note that resetting your HD is last resort! It sounds to me like if you're still having trouble when it can't find any problems then it's attached to some kind of file you've downloaded or that simply got corrupted. Those viruses can spread, too. I don't know what else to tell you except to back it all up, right now, just in case. If you can't use a usb/cd, then check to see if your manufacturer (Dell, in my case) has a backup program to save your data. Other than that though... huh

(Or you could always take out the HD and download everything separately yourself, then wipe it and put it back in your computer laugh but that's a pain in the butt!)

I hope someone else has better answers for your question, because I definitely have more problems than answers! Just want you to breathe easy and know that the majority of the time, anything saved on your computer can be retrieved (short of a plasma ray shooting through it).

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain