There's apparently a new one where some Vista media center PCs are refusing to record TV shows because they have some sort of electronic tag set that tells Vista they are broadcast shows. There isn't even a legal requirement that the tag should be recognized, and most VCRs etc. ignore it.

Later: Found the report:

While its customers are still puzzling over why Vista Media Center is suddenly refusing to record over-the-air NBC digital TV, Microsoft has come out with an astounding admission, courtesy of Greg Sandoval at CNet News:

"Microsoft included technologies in Windows based on rules set forth by the (Federal Communications Commission)," a Microsoft spokeswoman wrote in an e-mail to CNET "As part of these regulations, Windows Media Center fully adheres to the flags used by broadcasters and content owners to determine how their content is distributed and consumed."

Microsoft's statement shines light on how Microsoft expects Media Center to behave. If this is the company's explanation for what users are seeing when attempting to record digital NBC broadcasts over-the-air, then Microsoft is saying Vista obeys the broadcast flag: a requirement rejected by courts and Congress.

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game