Last week I had to reload Windows Vista Basic to my laptop. (which wasn't that hard I only had a glitch at the end because I wasn't able to get online I'm on pay WiFi and Toshiba wanted as part of their finally conf. to get online. I had already talked to Toshiba early they talked me through the first steps of reloading Vista so I called them again and they told me how to put the laptop in safemode and then it finally loaded up right.)

My qustion to everyone who has Vista what commen Glitchs are you having? I notice almost right away that some of the games were glitching they weren't come off different saved games and the size of the screen would go from small to large on it's own.

I also just happened to notice that the search google on the task bar just disappeared. The Toshiba Flash cards come up all the time for no reason sometimes they stick but since I reloaded Vista it hasn't stuck.

So come on share your glitches with me let me know I'm not the only one that having trouble with Vista out there lol.

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