“I don’t mind,” Lucy said quietly. “I’ll just get a seat where I can see you. It’s better to be safe than sorry, after all.”

Lucy didn’t trust her not to renege on the date. Lois grimaced. “If the guy is a pig, I’ll give you a signal to page me.”
razz ... not that I'm told I look like a professional, but the "I can't believe you don't have a boyfriend." Line. *sigh* </rant>

Clark grinned, and if his face had been handsome before, it was almost overwhelming now. Lois hoped she didn’t have a stunned expression on her face.

He paused then said, “Just so you won’t be tempted, I won’t talk about my work either.”
OH, you cheater, Clark!!!

“I thought you said you didn’t order for your dates, Mr. Kent,” Lois said tartly.

Clark glanced up from his menu and said, “I’ve got a healthy appetite. You can try the appetizers or pick something else if you’d like. I wasn’t ordering for you.”
Okay... I'll try not to quote everything here because if I recall correctly, most of the date is like this... but I just have to say that I love the conversation you've crafted, Shayne. I love Lois's comments and the thoughts behind them. She's trying so hard to resist, but there's something charming about him after all. wink And then there's Clark's responses. He can keep up with her, knock her off balance a bit, but he's only being his honest, modest self. Gotta love that!

So... yeah... on with the fdk. wink

Buut... since we're pause here, I think this is a good place for a TBC... Too many graemlins, darnit! razz

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🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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