I'll add the tabulations as an option to my utility, when I recompile it to add the removal of extra spaces at the end of the lines (ie: causing some words to have two spaces between them when concatenating lines).

I'll check for the manual breaks too and anything else I can add as an option. I've found a bug as well, but you don't want to know what that is. <g>

'ya know... this place is really a godsend for me. Brought back the joy of writing for one, but coding this little app brought back the fun of programming as well. I used to get requests for things and would turn them down cause I plain didn't feel like it - stuff I would have been paid for - and here I go whipping up this little thing in flash, just for the heck of it, and I'm even sitting here wondering how I can make it even better and I'm all excited about that, too.

...where have you guys been all my life? wink

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies