If you are trying to save paper and not ink, I would recommend using columns.

I usually use 4 columns, with line be the columns and a 0.1" margin. This way I was able to shrink Masques down from 335 pages to 223, with very tiny outside margins.

The best way to find out how small a margin you can get away with is to set the left and right margins to 0" and let Word fix it.

More than 4 columns gets a little harder to read and you don't save that much paper.

For Masques
# of Columns/# of pages

After 5 columns, you start to actually loose ground!

Now, if there are poems or songs in the fic, then you should use 2 columns because most stanzas are longer than 4 column margin.

Front and back printing saves paper too.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!