I'm hoping for a little help. My computer. I had computer problems last week and eventually had to completely reboot my entire system. I loaded my files in and my programs and got everything up and running again.

But... as I was trying to get things set up the way I like them, I did something that suddenly made all my files disappear. My programs, likewise, disappeared. Now I've managed to get my files and my programs back (they were still there, just hidden). Now, I'm not sure how I did it or exactly how I got them back, but...

Okay, here comes my problem. My favorites in Internet Explorer... It went blank. So I tried to start a new folder 'Lois and Clark' so that I could put in the Lois and Clark sites I visit. The computer wouldn't create the file because it told me that such a file already exists. But I can't see it. Anyone have any idea what is happening? Or how I correct it?

In other words... Help! Please!

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane