*So* glad that this Lois recognizes the conniving, manipulative sliminess of Lex. razz Will she realize that it's a short step from lavishing her with money to expecting payment? That Lex's actions are stalker material?

Nice fixing up of the BatP scene. I'm glad this Clark had the courage to say what was needed, and it looks like your Lois is beginning to open her eyes, too. Open them some more, soon!

I do have to confess, though, that for some reason, I'm not that worried about Clark in the cage. Maybe Tank is right, and I can't take the peril seriously. It still can't be fun for him, though, so why not post the next part ASAP and get him out of there? smile


Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827