Hey guys smile

Yep, I have another computer issue (surprise, surprise! - it happens once a week these days).

Basically, I can access only a small amount of websites from any computer connected to my router. I reset the router, cleared my cache, everything, but I haven't been able to access much since Friday evening. Thankfully I can still access the boards, but I can't even get to my ISP's website (I can get to it from work, where I have a different connection).

If anybody has any idea what the problem could be and what I should do to fix it, I'd be really grateful. smile

Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~