This one hit a little too close to home. It actually made me cry, which just goes to show you how great of a writer you are ML. I very rarely cry. Having had my first child only 2 months ago, I definately remember it well.

Why was the nurse giving Lois’ child to that man? Didn’t she know he was the villain in this piece? He responsible for all of this. Yet he wasn’t the one who had been forced to push something the size of a bowling ball from his body! He’d contributed a moment’s pleasure to the creation of this new life. Nothing more! This was her child!
That is exactly how I thought I'd react. During labour,I actually told me husband that if they tried to give him the baby first that he better refuse. Then when it came down to it, I was only able to hold my son for 1 minute before they passed him to my husband so that they could (eek) stich me up.

Lois’ internal rant suddenly ended and her insides unexpectedly turned to mush when she observed the extreme tenderness on Clark’s face as he looked down into the face of his newborn son for the first time.
Turns out I was so happy to see my husband and new baby boy together. It was the sweetest thing ever. You captured the emotion perfectly.

Great job! So happy to see you posting here.

Jackie (who can't believe TJ had an 11.9 lbs baby when she thought hers (at 9 lbs 7 oz) was huge!)

Superman: I hear you've been looking for me.
Lois: All my life.